Culture Preservation and Peace

This week’s cultural event showcased public art on the blasted walls of dilapidated buildings in Afghanistan. Dealing with so much despair, it was lovely to see vibrancy and color in the environment. USIP also hosted Smithsonian art historian Corine Wegener to share stories from her work in cultural heritage preservation. While most humanitarian work focuses on getting water and medical relief to disaster zones, the Smithsonian (in conjunction with many other foundations and agencies) aims to get first responders to save museums, temples, and  other tangible pieces of the community heritage.

You can check out her work here

For my last week at USIP, I am finalizing an anti-corruption memo and reviewing some other research projects. As my time here comes to a close, I have had a chance to reflect on all the skills and relationships that I have built this summer. I have been so busy saying my goodbyes that I hardly have time to write this final blog. Though, if I’m being honest, I have been putting off this post because I don’t want to admit that this amazing summer is coming to an end.

Interning at the United States Institute of Peace is an amazing opportunity for any law student. I had the chance to 


develop my writing and research skills while being challenged to view my work in the broader context of international aid. Every morning, I was excited to wake up and work for such a noble cause. Also, it was a privilege to be supported by a wildly accomplished team. I am leaving this internship with polished writing samples, increased knowledge, and dear friendships.

Living in DC has also been an incredible experience.  In my limited free time, I was able to see some of the most famous museums and monuments in the world. I would encourage anyone in law school to explore this non-traditional path for their first summer.